Technical Consultancy

We provide expert guidance and advice to individuals or businesses looking to solve or streamline complex business challenges. Consultants use their specialised knowledge to assess a company's needs, offer recommendations, and come up with tailored solutions.

Technical consultancy can take many forms. It can range from more straightforward issues like setting up business email and website hosting to more complicated consultancy revolving around cloud infrastructure and automation. An example might be a client who has successfully operated a side hustle with their knowledge but feels they would benefit from expert advice and guidance to transition from a side hustle to a start-up. Alternatively, it could also be a client who has operated a successful small business for years and needs an expert to assist them in setting up a new technology.


Starting at


We offer the first hour of our time to new clients as a free service to help them better understand their business/technology problems and how we can help them.

Talk to a consultant
Understand Business/Technology Problem
How Can Shape Help?
These meetings are usually an hour long.

Full Access

Starting at


Clients often seek our guidance and expertise on how to solve their issues. After discussing the best way to help them, they may want us to assist with implementing the solution or to have access to our knowledge at any time. Our service provides this access flexibly, without any guarantees. You won't be charged if you don't require our services.

Talk to a consultant
24 Hour Access
Business/Technology Questions
Automation Expertise
Potential Technology Solutions
Cloud Infrastructure Expertise
This service is always available to new and current clients. Often, clients working with us more long term prefer to move to other packages more specific to their goals.